Monday, October 13, 2008

Today I returned to work after being off for 6 weeks due to my shoulder surgery. I have been released to work a max of 4 hours per day. I decided that since the morning is the best of me I will hit the work door in the morning. Teddy was sure happy to be back in his routine. As we entered the building, I let go of his leash...he ran to the postage machine where he knows there is a bowl full of dog treats. He sat and waited patiently as he has always done the past 3 years for me to get myself in the building and over to the treat bowl. I grabbed a treat and off Teddy ran...right to my desk (his spot) and waited for me to make my way down the hall. Excited to be back, Teddy peeked down the hall waiting for his friend Aston. With ears flapping and running full speed ahead you can hear Aston's paws hitting the cement floor as he makes his way to my desk. Sliding into my desk area, something this now almost grown, almost 70 pound Lab has always done since he was 9 weeks old grabs the rope play toy. Teddy on one end and Aston on the other make their way to the lobby pulling each other back and forth sliding on the floor. They have completely torn three ropes apart through the months. Me and Aston's puppy raiser take turns replacing the play toy since we know the boys enjoy it so much. Once we hear our co-workers coming in...we call the boys over. Its funny how the question "Who wants a treat?" is like magic words and no matter how engrossed they are in playing they always seem to hear that. The boys pounce their way back behind my desk as they both sit and wait for their treats! Time to start the day! The four hours of work sure tired both of us out. We came home and hit the bed for our afternoon nap!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Who is Who?

This is Shane. He is my son. Isn't he cute?!!

And this is what he likes to do...

This is Teddy. He is my dog. Isn't he cute?!!

And this is what he likes to do...

This is protein powder Teddy found in Shane's room in a zip lock baggie...and he ate it! Not once but twice in the past week and a half. Which gives him gas! Yuck!!! Looks like Shane is going to have to steam clean my office carpet and Teddy is sleeping with him the next few nights!! :)
Happy and Bummed..All in One.. Can that really Happen?!
I went to the doctors today for my 6 week follow up from my surgery. The doctor put me back to work starting Monday, October 13, 2008 for 4 hours a day for the next 6 weeks. I will not be bored any longer!! Yeah!!!!
In six weeks he wants to see me again to see if I have progressed with the recovery. He told me that it could take up to a year for me to feel 100%. He also told me that I am looking at the possibility of another surgery. He wants to go back in and shave off part of my clavicle to back it off the joint in my shoulder. He said that when he was in there that it looked fine...but now feels that I should have done. Bummed!

Pictures of my last surgery:
Bone they removed from my shoulder
Pain catheter inserted into my shoulder for the first night after surgery. It was removed the next day during physical therapy

My shoulder all cleaned up

I am not really looking forward to having to go through another surgery but if it is need be and I will live pain free....then I will :)

Monday, October 06, 2008

This Past Week....
I am starting to get use to this idea of being home...I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing?

I had physical therapy on Wednesday and Friday. I seem to be coming along. Each and every day I am able to move my arm a little more.

OK...So now for the real scoop.......
I have watched every stinkin' show available on the Food Network and then some..I have decided I hate my bed..I hate my couch..and I am going stir crazy. I needed some outdoor time! Many days since my surgery I have sat out on my deck. Just looking at nothing. I decided that my little backyard area and deck needed some color...something I use to do before my injury. On Saturday with no one around I snuck away to HomeDepot and bought some color. Before I could get started I needed to trim the vine that comes over the fence from my neighbor. I turned off the phone (it was me time) and started to move along the deck trimming here and trimming there..being careful not to hurt myself or push my limits....then all of the sudden..."CRUNCH!!" UGGG! I knew the deck was in need of being replaced but never thought my foot would go through it! UGGG!!! Not what I needed right then..Well, nothing I could do about it at that moment so, I continued to move along avoiding that spot as much as possible and being more aware that there could be others lurking to grab my ankles. After vine trimming ..I got busy I put a little here and a little there And I still have more to plant!! Just being outside and playing in the dirt, adding color made me feel 100% better. It was really a nice day!