Monday, July 25, 2005

Sanity check!!!! Tonight my mother informs me that our dog snapped at her. I asked her, "when?" She said, "This evening when you got home from work." I said, "WOW, he has never snapped at anyone...Why would he do that?" My mother tells me that she was pulling his ear! I said, "why would you do that?" She infoms me that she likes the feel of his ears.

Mom decided since I work all week that she will cook dinner Monday through Friday. We have had to endure some really horrible meals. Like chicken meatloaf (don't ask...Its gross!) This evening Mom made a one pan dish that was actually pretty good. While I was cleaning up after dinner.....Me being a smart ass asked Mom if she used all four burners on the stove knowing that she didn't. She told me, "No, why?" I said, "there is pasta all over the place." She told me that she just threw the pasta in the pan because she didn't want to cook...some fell on the floor and the dog ate it.....................When Mom retired for the evening....she told me good night and to have a nice sleep.......she has never said that......I wonder what was really in that dinner?!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Hey! Your blog is a real surprise; good for you!! This is great that you are doing it. I loved reading about your friend (D) jumping out to surprise you in Starbucks. How neat!
Keep working on this and I will keep stopping in to read your writings. I haven't been on mine for a while but don't forget to check in on mine once in a while. :)