Thursday, July 14, 2005

On my way out the door to take my son the his youth group this evening my neighbor decided to going along for the ride...Mom sitting at the dinning room table with her arms across her chest, thumbs taping at the crease of her arm pits, says, "you are going to Costco, aren't you?"
I said, "I didn't plan on going this evening, why?"

Mom: I am out of apple sauce ( mom uses apple sauce to take her pills).

Me: Is there anything else you can take your pills with and I will go to Costco this weekend?

Mom: I could have used the banana's but you threw them away.

Me: I did?

Mom: Yes, they are sitting in the garbage.

Me: I didn't throw them away......I asked my son if he did?

Son: Yes , when I pulled one off this morning the stems on the other two broke so I threw them away.

Mom: I could have used those to take my pills.

Mom with her face all scrunched up glares at my son. I told her that it was no big deal...I would buy her some more this the meantime find something else to take your pills with and I leave the house.

My neighbor who witnessed all of this could not believe how mean my Mom as acting!

I told her......all in a days work!

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